Mesothelioma Symptoms Near Death

People who often work in places that contain many harmful substances will definitely be affected. Although there are very few chemicals inhaled constantly it will be very dangerous for health . For example, people who work closely with asbestos fibers. Sure seointas it's okay but if it continues to be left and they are less healthy, consequently health will be disrupted and worse will cause cancer that can kill anytime.

Understanding Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer that is very rare and affects only certain people. This cancer develops in meshothelium cells, while the meshothelium is a membrane that forms several layers of body cavities such as chest cavity, abdominal cavity, heart sac. Malignant disease is most often found in workers who often inhale substances contained in asbestos. 

Causes of Mesothelioma

  • Often encountered asbestos so that the substance or dust inhaled and even swallowed, Besides those people around him could be affected for example, wife or children who often wash clothes her husband who worked with asbestos can also trigger cancer.
  • The environment contains many erionite substances or a mineral zeolite substance very similar to asbestos fibers. Also capable of causing the population affected by malignant Mesothelioma disease.
  • Mesothelioma can be caused by asbestos in the building. In Britain itself there is a ban on using asbestos because the substance is quite dangerous.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

  • The chest feels very painful
  • Out of breath
  • There is anemia or lack of red blood cells
  • Often feel tired
  • The sound becomes very hoarse and coughs
  • In fact there are also experiencing cough with phlegm but in it there is blood

Types of  Mesothelioma

  1. Mesothelioma Epithelioid
  2. Mesothelioma Sarcomatoid
  3. Mesothelioma Biphasic 

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma

If you are one of the workers who are often in contact with asbestos, and experiencing the above symptoms then you should immediately doctors and diagnose the disease. There are several ways to diagnose Mesothelioma among others
  • X-tray
  • Biopsy
  • Immunochemystri

Stages of Mesothelioma Spread

Phase I

In the first stage of Mesothelioma the lymph nodes have not been in a state of attack. In addition, the cancer has not been in a very severe condition and has not spread to organs and tissues - other body tissues.

Phase II

When Mesothelioma is in the second stage, its size enlarges and attacks the lungs. Even the lymph nodes may be affected as well. When meothelioma is in phase 2 patients are still able to do oprasi. Although the possibility of cancer has spread to both sides of the pleura.

Phase III

At this stage means that the cancer is severe enough and can not perform surgery or surgery in patients. Damage will occur in areas of lymph nodes, esophagus and chest wall.

Stage IV

This is the stage at the end in the sense theker has been attacked in some other areas. Oprasi will no longer be of any use when you have reached the final stage. Because cancer is not only spread to the chest area but also has spread throughout the far part of the origin of the cancer grows.

Mesothelioma Treatment 

We ourselves already know for now the cancer is still not only known the drug, but there are several alternative treatments that must be lived if suffering from Mesothelioma among others

1. Surgery

Actually perform surgical surgery on old cancers - eventually becomes less reliable because of its small success rate. Sometimes though successful his kakker cells will grow again - grow again. Even people who perform surgery can only survive for less than 12 months or a year.

2. Radiation

Radiation is often given with chemotherapy. With the note the disease is still tolerate radical surgery. So that radiation can be used as consolidative treatment after surgery. Doing chemotherapy and radiation while after surgery will increase patient life expectancy. But the side effects are very heavy and very severe, 

3. Chemotherapy

If this one you also often hear it diistilah film diseinetron sinetron. Chemotherapy is a treatment for Mesothelioma disease that has been proven to increase the survival of many patients. Patients who initially survived less than 12 months survived for 13 months. 

There are many other ways of treatment such as
  • Clinical Trials
  • Multimodality Therapy
  • Heated Introaperative Intraperitoneal chemotherapy
But you know lone cancer is very fierce and many patients die. But we must remember that we should never precede the fate of God and self-vice ourselves will not heal and will die. Try to keep thinking positive and never give up. Because who knows god gives a miracle for us. And for those of you who are currently in good health do some ways to prevent cancer , because it prevents better than cure.

The article is battling Chest Cancer and the cause is complete as well. Thank you for visiting this blog. Never get bored yes to read the article here because every day will present some new information of course. If you find this article useful please share it with your friends.   

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